- ...is a portrayal.
- ...is where the face and its expression is predominant.
- ...is an accurate discription of a mood.
- ...is a painting of a real, rather than an imaginary, person.
- ...usual shows just the face, but can include a part or all of the body.
- ...is intended to show likeness, personality and even the mood of the person.
2. (Describe how the artist uses color, composition, and subject matter (objects, setting, clothing, etc.) to communicate something about the person whose portrait they’ve made OTHER than what the person looks like.)
Title: Madame X
Artist: John Singer Sargent
Year: 1883 -1884
*How does this artists use the concept of portrait? How does the artist work within the tradition of portrait-making?
This artist uses the concept of portrait by portaying the person by the way he positioned her and it the position also shows the mood of the painting. The painting is a full body portrait. The facial expression in the painting emphasizes the mood in the painting. 
Title: Self-Portrait
Author: Chuck Close
Year: 2000 -2001
* How does this artists use the concept of portrait? How does the artist work within the tradition of portrait-making?
This is a self-portrait of Chuch Close himself. It is a portrait of a real person. This self-portrait is the traditional making of self-portraits with a bit of a twist. It is the tradition of portrait making because this self-portrait is an image that portrays him and also the usual self-protraits shows his face/his expression/his emotion clearly.
Artist: (unknown)
Year: (unknown)
*How does this artists use the concept of portrait? How does the artist work within the tradition of portrait-making?
Though this painting is in black and white you can clearly see what the artist portayed. He used the position to show some the mood of the painting. the position of her hands looks like she is praying. What also really help find the mood is the black, grey, and white colors. Looking at the girls face you can see the emotion that the artist is trying to portray.